KubeCon 视频 2020-VSC

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2020 - Virtual Summit China

Topic YouTube Tencent 🌕 ⚫ 🔴 🔵 ⚪
主题演讲:躲在黑暗中 - Dan Kohn,总经理,Linux基金会公共卫生
Keynote: Hiding in the Dark - Dan Kohn, General Manager, Linux Foundation Public Health
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主题演讲:Priyanka Sharma,总经理;Cheryl Hung,生态系统总监,CNCF
Keynote: Priyanka Sharma, General Manager & Cheryl Hung, Director of Ecosystem, Cloud Native Computing Foundation
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主题演讲:华为云:技术+产业双轮驱动 加速云原生创新 - 刘赫伟, 华为云容器域技术总监
Keynote: Huawei Cloud: Technology + Industry Dual-wheel Drive Accelerates Cloud Native Innovation - Rene Liu, Container Domain Technical Director, Huawei Cloud
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以AI和大数据为例,将批处理功能引入Kubernetes - 马达, Huawei
Bring Batch Capability Into Kubernetes, Using AI and Big Data as an Example - Da Ma, Huawei
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揭秘日活千万腾讯会议全量云原生化上TKE技术实践 - 王涛, Tencent
Serving Hundreds of Millions of Users Globally on Online Tencent Meeting by Using the Backbone Cloud Native Technology: TKE - Garnett Wang, Tencent
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使用Tekton以服务的方式构建镜像 - Tao Zhang和Yu Zhuang,IBM
Build Image as a Service By Using Tekton - Tao Zhang & Yu Zhuang, IBM
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介绍:Telepresence:Kubernetes的快速本地到远程开发 - Daniel Bryant,Datawire
Intro: Telepresence: Fast Local-to-Remote Development for Kubernetes - Daniel Bryant, Datawire
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.NET开发者在Kubernetes的旅程 - Xiao Zhang,DaoCloud和Jesse Liu, Cxist
.NET Developer’s Journey in Kubernetes - Xiao Zhang, DaoCloud & Jesse Liu, Cxist
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主题演讲:Jim Zemlin,执行董事,Linux基金会
Keynote: Jim Zemlin, Executive Director, Linux Foundation
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主题演讲:TARS基金会:新一代海量微服务开源生态 - 单致豪, TARS基金会董事主席,腾讯开源联盟主席
TARS Foundation: A New Generation of Open Source Ecosystem of Massive Microservices - Mark Shan, Board Chair, LF TARS Foundation
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超级账本和开源- 在云原生技术之上使用区块链构建未来 - Brian Behlendorf, Hyperledger
Hyperledger and Open Source - Building the Future With Blockchain on Top of Cloud Native Technology - Brian Behlendorf, Hyperledger
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LF AI:加速开源AI的创新与协作 - Ibrahim Haddad, LF AI Foundation
LF AI: Accelerating Open Source AI Innovation and Collaboration - Ibrahim Haddad, Ph.D., LF AI Foundation
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介绍:CNCF SIG-Runtime - Klaus Ma,华为和Ricardo Aravena,乐天
Intro: CNCF SIG-Runtime - Da Ma, Huawei & Ricardo Aravena, Rakuten
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介绍:containerd的现状 - Wei Fu和Huamin Tang,阿里巴巴
Intro: Current State of containerd - Wei Fu & Huamin Tang, Alibaba
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主题演讲:MindSpore助力全新云与AI原生生态系统 - 黄之鹏 , Huawei
Keynote: MindSpore Empowering the Nascent Cloud + AI Native Ecosystem - Zhipeng Huang, Principal Engineer, Huawei
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主题演讲:云原生发展热点与腾讯产品布局 - 刘煜宏, 腾讯云副总裁
Keynote: Hot Areas in Cloud-native Technologies and Product Landscape in Tencent - Ehome Liu, Vice President, Tencent Cloud
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在Kubernetes上构建有状态云应用程序的实践 - 张成远, JD Cloud
The Practice of Building Stateful Cloud Application on Kubernetes - Chengyuan Zhang, JD Cloud
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用kubernetes重新定义可进化、异构、全平面编排、安全增强 - 王后明, EasyStack
Redefine Evolvable, Heterogeneous and Full-Plane Orchestration, and Security Enhancement Using Kubernetes - Houming Wang, EasyStack
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5G 时代 IoT 云原生的应用 - 李国伟, EMQ
Use of IoT in 5g Era and Cloud Native - Guowei Li, EMQ
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塑造AI ,5G和 边缘 时代的云原生基础设施未来 - 熊英, Futurewei
Shaping the Future of Cloud Native Infrastructure at the Age of AI, 5G and Edge - Ying Xiong, Futurewei
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介绍:OpenTelemetry SDK设计和实现值 - Sergey Kanzhelev,谷歌
Intro: OpenTelemetry SDK Design and Implementation Values - Sergey Kanzhelev, Google
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介绍:Thanos:轻松扩展Prometheus监控 - Xiang Dai,华为
Intro: Thanos: Scale Your Prometheus Monitoring With Ease - Xiang Dai, Huawei
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在可观察时代的抽样 - Steve Flanders,Splunk
Sampling in the Observability Era - Steve Flanders, Splunk
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主题演讲:CNCF项目概况 - Constance Caramanolis,首席软件工程师,Splunk和Stephen Augustus,高级技术人员,Tanzu Kubernetes Grid发布工程,VMware
Keynote: CNCF Project Overview - Constance Caramanolis, Principal Software Engineer, Splunk & Stephen Augustus, Sr. Member of Technical Staff, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid - Release Engineering, VMware
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主题演讲:Harbor - Haining Henry Zhang, VMware
Keynote: Harbor - (Haining Henry) Zhang, Chief Architect, VMware
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Linux基金会开源软件大学:助力人才发展,把握新基建万亿商机 - 杨轩, LF Training
The Future Career Development for Developers When Open Source is Now the Mainstream of Software Development - Hin Yang, LF Training
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使用SODA和CSI进行卷扩容的最佳实践 - 刘羽, Huawei
The Best Practice of Volume Expansion by Using Kubernetes CSI and SODA - Yu Liu, Huawei
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云原生微服务架构TARS的Kubernetes之旅 - 利开园, 腾讯
Microservices Journey With TARS Foundation - Mark Shan, LF TARS Foundation
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应用可观测性的思考 - 于立, Xuyun Tech
Application Observability on Cloud Native Infrastructure - Li Yu, Xuyun Tech
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数字化重塑2.0: 如何帮助大中型企业云原生落地 - 庄怀轩, 大连华信
Digital Remolding 2.0: How to help large and medium-sized enterprises cloud native implementation - Hogon Zhuang, Dalian Hi-Think Computer Technology, Corp.
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深入了解:Cortex:1.0和更多! - Goutham Veeramachaneni,Grafana Labs
Deep Dive: Cortex: 1.0 and Beyond! - Goutham Veeramachaneni, Grafana Labs
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深入了解:Kubernetes SIG Instrumentation - Hongcai Ren,华为
Deep Dive: Kubernetes SIG Instrumentation - Hongcai Ren, Huawei
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主题演讲:应用交付的五大挑战以及我们如何解决它们 - Lei Zhang,阿里巴巴和Alois Reitbauer,Dynatrace
Keynote: Five Biggest Challenges In App Delivery and How We Solve Them - Lei Zhang, Alibaba & Alois Reitbauer, Dynatrace
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主题演讲:云原生 - 数字经济技术创新基石 - 易立, 阿里云容器服务负责人
Keynote: Cloud Native - The New Foundation for Innovation in the Digital Era - Li Yi (Mark), Director of Engineering for Container Service, Alibaba Cloud
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云原生架构在阿里云的最佳实践 - 李国强, Alibaba
Best Practice of Cloud Native Application Design in Alibaba Cloud - Guoqiang Li, Alibaba
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云原生环境:开发基于微服务的应用程序并在支持开放标准和规范的环境中进行部署 - 张国华, Oracle
Cloud Native Environment: Developing Microservices-based Applications and Deploy in Environments That Support Open Standards and Specifications - Frank Zhang, Oracle
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构建微服务应用之API网关的重要性 - 邹俊, NGINX
Building Microservices Application: The Importance of API Gateways - Jun Zou, NGINX
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以云原生的方式管理Kubernetes 多集群 - 张仁宇, Qing Cloud
Manage Multiple Kubernetes Clusters in a Cloud Native Way - Renyu Zhang, Qing Cloud
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Antrea项目-确保和加快Kubernetes CNI的安全 - Vicky Liu, VMware
Antrea Project - Securing and Accelerating Kubernetes CNI - Vicky Liu, VMware
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多租户环境中的K8s事件导出、过滤和警报 - Benjamin Huo和Junot Xiang,青云QingCloud
K8s Event Exporting, Filtering and Alerting in Multi-Tenant Environment - Benjamin Huo & Junot Xiang, QingCloud Technologies Corp.
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深入了解:Fluent Bit:高性能日志处理器 - Eduardo Silva,Arm Treasure Data
Deep Dive: Fluent Bit: High Performance Log Processor - Eduardo Silva, Arm Treasure Data
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深入了解:扩展Prometheus:以原生方式 - Bartlomiej Plotka,红帽和Goutham Veeramachaneni,Grafana Labs
Deep Dive: Prometheus: Shaping Metric Monitoring in 2020 - Bartlomiej Plotka, Red Hat & Goutham Veeramachaneni, Grafana Labs
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主题演讲:使用Kubernetes管理中国高速公路上的十万个边缘节点 - XiaoLong Dong,Xingyunshuju和Qi Zhang,华为
Keynote: Managing One Hundred Thousand Edge Nodes With Kubernetes in China’s Highway - XiaoLong Dong, Xingyunshuju & Qi Zhang, Huawei
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主题演讲:Liz Rice,开源工程副总裁,Aqua Security
Keynote: Liz Rice, Vice President, Open Source Engineering, Aqua Security
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基于Rust-vmm实现Kubernetes运行时 - Yingzhe Ru和Liangyu Zhou,腾讯
Implement Kubernetes Runtime Based on Rust-vmm - Yingzhe Ru & Liangyu Zhou, Tencent
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深入了解:面向容器和虚拟机的统一运行时服务基础设施 - Yunwen Bai和Peng Du,Futurewei
Deep Dive: Unified Runtime Service Infrastructure for Containers and VMs - Yunwen Bai & Peng Du, Futurewei
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跨越多个云和集群提供云原生应用 - Henry Zhang,VMware和Mingming Pei,网易
Delivering Cloud Native Applications Across Multiple Clouds and Clusters - Henry Zhang, VMware & Mingming Pei, Netease
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介绍:Dragonfly:在云原生高效、安全的进行镜像分发 - Yuxing Liu,阿里巴巴云和Jieyue Ma, 蚂蚁集团
Intro: Dragonfly: Make Image Distribution Efficiently and Safely in Cloud Native - Yuxing Liu, Alibaba Cloud & Jieyue Ma, Ant Group
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解锁HPC新姿态-容器化、云和基于GPU的工作负载 - Ying Xu,上海超级计算机中心和Xianglong Zeng,DaoCloud
Unlocking New Pose in HPC—Containerization, Cloud, and GPU-based Workloads - Ying Xu, Shanghai Supercomputer Center & Xianglong Zeng, DaoCloud
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单体已经死了。单体万岁! - Mitch Connors和Jason Wang,谷歌
The Monolith is Dead. Long Live the Monolith! - Mitch Connors & Jason Wang, Google
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在大规模Kubernetes集群上实现高SLO的方法 - Kang Fan和Jingghua Yao,蚂蚁集团
Methods to Achieve High SLOs on a Large Scale Kubernetes Cluster - Kang Fan & Jinghua Yao, Ant Group
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浦发银行的云原生演进之路 - Baichuan Wang,DaoCloud和Wenwei Lian,上海浦东发展银行
Stable for Three Years (with 11.11 Day) - Cloud Native in SPDB - Baichuan Wang, DaoCloud & Wenwei Lian, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
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Kubernetes为本地生活服务巨头改造云基础设施 - Guoliang Wang,美团点评
Kubernetes Transforms Cloud Infrastructure for Local Life Services Giant - Guoliang Wang, Meituan-Dianping
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介绍:CNCF SIG 存储 - 介绍云原生存储 - Alex Chircop,存储OS和Erin Boyd,红帽
Intro: CNCF SIG Storage – An Intro to Cloud Native Storage - Alex Chircop, StorageOS & Erin Boyd, Red Hat
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介绍:在TiKV中进行备份和恢复 - Jay Lee,PingCAP
Intro: Back-Up and Restore in TiKV - Jay Lee, PingCAP
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Piraeus: 本地持久卷的动态分配,资源管理和高可用 - Philipp Reisner,LINBIT和Hongchao Zheng,DaoCloud
Piraeus: Local Persistent Volume Dynamic Provisioning, Management and HA - Philipp Reisner, LINBIT & Hongchao Zheng, DaoCloud
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深入了解:Kubernetes SIG 存储 - Xing Yang,VMware和Michelle Au,谷歌
Deep Dive: Kubernetes SIG Storage - Xing Yang, VMware & Michelle Au, Google
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深入了解:Harbor - 企业云原生工件仓库 - Steven Zou和Daniel Jiang,VMware
Deep DIve: Harbor - Enterprise Cloud Native Artifact Registry - Steven Zou & Daniel Jiang, VMware
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我们在阿里巴巴是如何管理各种各样的Kubernetes基础设施 - 万仔仁和Jie Chen,阿里巴巴
How We Manage Our Widely Varied Kubernetes Infrastructures in Alibaba - Ziren Wang & Jie Chen, Alibaba
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开放源码工具的互操作性:接口的出现 - Katie Gamanji,美国运通
Interoperability of Open Source Tools: The Emergence of Interfaces - Katie Gamanji, American Express
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TiFlash:使TiKV速度提高10倍并支持HTAP - Xiaoyu Ma,PingCAP
TiFlash: Make TiKV 10x Faster and HTAP-able - Xiaoyu Ma, PingCAP
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深入了解:深入ChubaoFS - 存储引擎 - Mofei Zhang,JD.com
Deep Dive: Inside ChubaoFS – The Storage Engine - Hongyin Zhu, JD.com
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介绍 + 深入了解:OpenEBS存储引擎 - Kiran Mova和Vishnu Itta,MayaData
Intro + Deep Dive: OpenEBS Storage Engines - Kiran Mova & Vishnu Itta, MayaData
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深入了解:Longhorn:Kubernetes的云原生存储系统 - Sheng Yang,Rancher Labs
Deep Dive: Longhorn: A Cloud Native Storage System for Kubernetes - Sheng Yang, Rancher Labs
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面向SLO的资源估计调度以优化利用率 - Yu Yinghao和Wang Shuang,阿里巴巴
SLO-Oriented Scheduling With Resource Estimation to Optimize Utilization - Yu Yinghao & Wang Shuang, Alibaba
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Kubernetes中用于混沌与跟踪的BPF - Wenbo Zhang,PingCAP
BPF for Chaos and Tracing in Kubernetes - Wenbo Zhang, PingCAP
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在Kubernetes中的高密度、云原生Android - Bin Yang和Chao Xie,英特尔
High Density, Cloud Native Android in Kubernetes - Bin Yang & Chao Xie, Intel
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使用Kubevirt构建轻量级VM集群的最佳实践 - Yin Chengfeng,百度
Best Practice for Building Lightweight VM Cluster With Kubevirt - Yin Chengfeng, Baidu
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介绍:Kubernetes Multicluster SIG - Hongcai Ren,华为
Intro: Kubernetes Multicluster SIG - Hongcai Ren, Huawei
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介绍:剖析Kubernetes的一个版本发布过程:成功是通过团队和工具 - Sascha Grunert,SUSE和Daniel Mangum,Upbound
Intro: Anatomy of a Kubernetes Release: Success Through Team and Tools - Sascha Grunert, SUSE & Daniel Mangum, Upbound
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通过FATE操作器将联邦学习带给Kubeflow - Layne Peng和Jiahao Chen,VMware
Brings Federated Learning to Kubeflow With FATE-Operator - Layne Peng & Jiahao Chen, VMware
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用Spring Cloud、Kubernetes和Buildpacks实现云原生计算 - Kylie Liang,微软
Go Cloud Native with Spring Cloud, Kubernetes and Buildpacks - Kylie Liang, Microsoft
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介绍:K8s VMware用户组:树外云提供商和CSI存储迁移 - Steven Wong和Myles Gray,VMware
Intro: K8s VMware User Group: Out-of-tree Cloud Provider and CSI Storage Migration - Steven Wong & Myles Gray, VMware
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介绍:Provider IBM Cloud - Sahdev Zala和Richard Theis,IBM
Intro: Provider IBM Cloud - Sahdev Zala & Richard Theis, IBM
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极低开销和高性能的无服务器容器 - Feng Shaobao,华为
Serverless Container With Extreme Low Overhead and High Performance - Feng Shaobao, Huawei
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深入了解:Volcano - Da Ma和Zhonghu Xu,华为
Deep Dive: Volcano - Da Ma & Zhonghu Xu, Huawei
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Kubernetes即服务:扩展Kubernetes Cluster API - Yasong Xu,百度
Kubernetes as Service: Extending the Kubernetes Cluster API - Yasong Xu, Baidu
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基于云原生系统通用模型的计量计费系统 - Anne Song和Dan Ma,青云QingCloud
Metering & Billing System Based on Universal Model for Cloud Native System - Anne Song & Dan Ma, QingCloud Technologies Corp.
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Kubernetes异常配置检测的DSL框架 - Jing Gu和Jun Deng,阿里巴巴
A DSL Framework for Kubernetes Abnormal Configuration Detection - Jing Gu & Jun Deng, Alibaba
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TARS, A New Generation of Massive Microservice Architecture: Supporting Tencent’s Billion-user Ecosystem -
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介绍:CloudEvents - 1.0及以后 - 发现/订阅 - Doug Davis,IBM和Clemens Vasters,微软
Intro: CloudEvents - v1.0 and Beyond - Discovery/Subscriptions - Doug Davis, IBM & Clemens Vasters, Microsoft
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介绍:Virtual Kubelet - Elotl的KIP - Madhuri Yechuri和Brendan Cox,Elotl
Intro: Kubelet - Featuring KIP by Elotl - Madhuri Yechuri & Brendan Cox, Elotl
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使用Knative和EDL实现在边缘的弹性推理 - Ti Zhou和 董大祥,百度
Enabling Elastic Inference on Edge With Knative and EDL - Ti Zhou & Daxiang Dong, Baidu
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Kubernetes + WebAssembly:无服务器的新架构 - Yifei Zhang和Wenjun Gao,阿里巴巴
Kubernetes + WebAssembly: A New Architecture for Serverless - Yifei Zhang & Wenjun Gao, Alibaba
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通过 Kubernetes 与 OAM 管理应用 - 李响, Alibaba
Managing Applications with Kubernetes and OAM - Li Xiang, Alibaba
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绕过conntrack,使用eBPF增强 IPVS优化k8s网络性能 - 范建明和洪志国, 腾讯
Bypassing conntrack: Optimizing K8s Service By Enhancing IPVS with eBPF - Jianming Fan & Hong Zhiguo, Tencent
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围绕 Kubernetes 构建企业级 AI PaaS - Vincent Xie,翼支付
A Journey of Building an Enterprise AI PaaS With Kubernetes - Vincent Xie, Bestpay
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腾讯基于Kubeflow建立的多租户培训平台 - Lei Xue,腾讯
Build a Multi-Tenant Training Platform Based on Kubeflow at Tencent - Lei Xue, Tencent
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大型ML系统的高性能存储解决方案 - Hongjian Yu,猎豹移动和Pengfei Zheng,百度
High Performance Storage Solution for Large-scale ML Systems - Hongjian Yu, Cheetah Mobile & Pengfei Zheng, Baidu
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介绍:KubeEdge:Kubernetes原生的边缘计算框架 - Zefeng(Kevin) Wang,华为和Dave Chen,ARM
Intro: KubeEdge: Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework - Zefeng (Kevin) Wang, Huawei & Dave Chen, ARM
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适用于具有多个网络接口的Pod的通用中央IPAM - Mengxin Liu,灵雀云
A Universal Central IPAM for Pod With Multiple Network Interfaces - Mengxin Liu, Alauda
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介绍:K8s物联网边缘工作组 - 采用云控制平面到边缘 - Steven Wong,VMware和Dejan Bosanac,红帽
Intro: K8s IoT Edge Working Group – Adopting a Cloud Control Plane to Edge - Steven Wong, VMware & Dejan Bosanac, Red Hat
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不再有事件损失:使用KubeEdge在不稳定的网络上管理工作负载 - Fei Xu,华为
No More Event-Loss:Managing Workloads Over Unstable Network With KubeEdge - Fei Xu, Huawei
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介绍:在Kubernetes中运行NATS流和服务 - Wally Quevedo,Synadia
Introduction to NATS Streams and Services on Kubernetes - Waldemar Quevedo, Synadia
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介绍:在Kubernetes中通过Strimzi运行Apache Kafka - Jakub Scholz和Paolo Patierno,红帽
Intro: Apache Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi - Jakub Scholz & Paolo Patierno, Red Hat
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介绍:Open Policy Agent简介 - Tim Hinrichs,Styra
Intro: Introduction to Open Policy Agent - Tim Hinrichs, Styra
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Kubernetes的最低特权原则 - Kaizhe Huang,Sysdig
The Least Privilege of Kubernetes - Kaizhe Huang, Sysdig
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为Kubernetes的秘密披上无形的盾牌 - Kailun Qin,蚂蚁集团
Putting an Invisible Shield on Kubernetes Secrets - Kailun Qin, Ant Group
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深入了解:在用户空间中使用Falco作运行时安全 - Loris Degioanni,Sysdig
Deep Dive: Runtime Security With Falco in Userspace - Loris Degioanni, Sysdig
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深入了解:TUF的新特性 - Marina Moore,NYU和Trishank Kuppusamy,Datadog
Deep Dive: TUF What’s New With TUF? - Marina Moore, NYU & Trishank Kuppusamy, Datadog
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深入了解服务网格数据平面性能和调优 - Les Peng(彭磊)和Forrest Chen(陈凌鹏),腾讯
Deep Dive into Service Mesh Data Plane Performance and Tuning - Les Peng(彭磊) & Forrest Chen(陈凌鹏), Tencent
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Kubernetes和服务网格在冠状病毒传播期间帮助进行在线协作 - Chaomeng Zhang和Xie Fei,华为
Kubernetes & Service Mesh Helps Online Collaboration During Coronavirus Time - Chaomeng Zhang & Xie Fei, Huawei
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使用服务网格构建API开放生态系统 - Qiang Mei,DaoCloud
Using Service Mesh to Build API Management Platform Open Ecosystem - Qiang Mei, DaoCloud
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深入了解:Linkerd - Zahari Dichev,Buoyant
Deep Dive: Linkerd - Zahari Dichev, Buoyant, Inc.
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介绍:BoF:电信用户组 - Dan Kohn,CNCF和Taylor Carpenter,Vulk Coop
Intro: Birds of a Feather: Telecom User Group - Dan Kohn, Cloud Native Computing Foundation & Taylor Carpenter, Vulk Coop
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Kubernetes的策略管理 - 转向中央管理模式 - Olive Power和Rachel Leekin,VMware
Policy Management in Kubernetes - Moving to a Centralised Management Model - Olive Power & Rachel Leekin, VMware
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